Playing with Nonsense and Gibberish Improvisation- Certified Training with the Gibberish Professor Alex Sternick.
With a special guest from the Land of Israel: The Gibberish Professor Alex Sternick, Trainer, The Initiator of Laughter Clubs in the Land of Israel since August 2004.
Alex has been acclaimed as the “Laughter Ambassador” and Gibberish Man for the year 2006, as awarded by Dr Madan Kataria, Laughter Yoga Founder Granted with the Golden Laughter Award on 2014

Playing with Nonsense and Gibberish Improvisation, Why you should attend:
IMPROVISATION is not only important in the workshop but you are ‘forced’ to improvise in REAL LIFE when you plan but God Laughs upon you (“LAUGHTER” is about that). You will acquire better skills as to how to “play with nonsense”, enjoy them and channel them into an opportunity for success and empowerment.
The deep understanding of the concept of NONSENSE will provide you with skills of how to stop fighting reality and searching for ‘one absolute truth’, while realizing “anything goes”.
Hence, you’ll become less disappointed by ‘circumstances’ or life’s Surprises and more of an accepting person . Since practice of Gibberish Improvisation awakens the right hemisphere activity that enables you to be more creative and innovative when you face Surprises of Life and personal “tzunamis”, or else when you are bound to perform any daily tasks without losing vital energy on over thinking and planning.
Practicing of Gibberish on the Stage (and in Real Life) will make you an Artist as anyone can be. As you will experience the essence of catharsis you will also be certified as a Gibberish Theater Improvisation Certified Leader.
You can learn more on the added values of my work in listening to the Radio Interview with me by Steve Bhaerman(Swami Beyondananda) ‘The Sense Behind the Nonsense’ : 45-min interview Ocotber-2015
For more information about “Playing with Nonsense” and the Art of GIBBERISH & Improvisation.